Event Details

Businesses have been battling the pandemic for close to two years. How has the world changed? What are the new challenges and

opportunities? What should businesses do to expand and grow as countries around the world slowly re-open their economies?

Aimed at empowering businesses to maximise their potential in an endemic world, the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and MP International Pte Ltd are proud to present the inaugural Singapore Apex Business Summit (SABS), which will be held from 22 to 25 March 2022 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

With the overarching theme of "Accelerating Business Transformation in an Endemic World", SABS 2022 will be anchored by SBF's flagship event, Singapore Regional Business Forum (SRBFยฎ), and include other premier business and networking platforms like ASEAN Conference, Future Economy Conference & Exhibition (FECE), TAC Symposium and FTA Day over 4 days. A series of high-level engagement activities such as exhibitions, roundtable discussions, business matching sessions, and networking sessions will also take place within the SABS week.

Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat will be the Guest-of-Honour to officially open SABS on Tuesday, 22 Mar 2022 and deliver a 20-min Opening Keynote. Our Minister for Finance Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for Trade and Industry Mr Gan Kim Yong,Minister for Communications and Information Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister for Transport and Minister-in-Charge of Trade Relations Mr S Iswaran, and Minister of State Ms Low Yen Ling will grace the various SABS events and deliver thematic speeches.

More information can be found from the SABS website: https://singaporeapexbusinesssummit.com/.