Venue Location Singapore Sustainability Academy
180 Kitchener Road City Square Mall #06-10 Singapore 208539 Singapore
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Event Details SEAS Clean Energy Committee has been active since 2007 to provide a forum for companies & individuals to discuss issues around clean energy policies, technologies and finance that impact the industry.
10:00 AM - 10:25 AM
Presentation by National Environment Agency (NEA) Presentation by National Environment Agency (NEA) Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for E-waste Management
10:25 AM - 10:45 AM
Presentation by National Environment Agency (NEA) Presentation by National Environment Agency (NEA) Proposed Amendments on the Transboundary Movement Control of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) under the Basel Convention
10:45 AM - 10:55 AM
E2i Presentation E2i Presentation Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) - Solar Talent Programme
10:55 AM - 11:15 AM
Update by Chairman & Approve minutes of last meeting Update by Chairman & Approve minutes of last meeting 11:15 AM - 11:25 AM
Update by Secretariat
Update by Secretariat 11:25 AM - 12:00 PM
Any other matters
Any other matters Speakers
Christophe Inglin Managing Director of Energetix Pte Ltd
Christophe Inglin Managing Director of Energetix Pte Ltd Mr Christophe Inglin has over 18 years of experience in the field of photovoltaics. He is currently the Managing Director of Energetix Pte Ltd. He is also on the council of SEAS as vice-chairman. Christophe was Managing Director of Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd, one of Singapore’s best respected solar systems integrators. Prior to that, he spent 10 years with Shell Solar Pte Ltd (formerly Siemens Showa Solar), a leading manufacturer of PV cells and modules. He is an invited trainer for the GreenMark Manager Programme held by the BCA Academy. Christophe holds a BSc in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey in England, and an MBA from INSEAD in France.
Nathanael Sim Executive Engineer at National Environment Agency
Nathanael Sim Executive Engineer at National Environment Agency Nathanael is an engineer under the Waste Management Division at the National Environment Agency. His team is responsible for improving the management of e-waste in Singapore and closing the e-waste loop. He and his team front the development and implementation of an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for e-waste management in Singapore
Mark Tan Executive Engineer at National Environment Agency
Mark Tan Executive Engineer at National Environment Agency Mark is an Executive Engineer from the Chemical Control and Management Department (CCMD) of the National Environment Agency (NEA). Mark’s current scope of work includes the management of the Toxic Industrial Waste (TIW) industry, and performing the role of competent authority to uphold Singapore’s obligations to the Basel Convention, which controls the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal
Frank Phuan CEO & Executive Director of Sunseap Group Pte Ltd
Frank Phuan CEO & Executive Director of Sunseap Group Pte Ltd Frank Phuan belongs to the second generation of a family business that has been in the solar industry for 35 years. Incorporated and co-founded by Frank in 2015, Sunseap Group is the first full-fledged solar utility company in Singapore, currently licensed under the Energy Market Authority as both an energy wholesaler and an energy retailer specializing in renewable energy. Sunseap Group is the holding company for its renewable energy subsidiaries Sunseap Leasing, Sunseap Energy, Sunseap International, Sunseap Solutions, Sunseap Engineering and Sunseap Energy Ventures. Frank has been awarded the distinguished Nanyang Outstanding Young Alumni Award 2014 and the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year Award (EYA) 2015, and the PVSEC Special Award in 2016 in recognition of his contribution to the growth of the photovoltaic industrial technology in Singapore.
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