Event Details
The Energy Storage and Mobility Working Group is a focused interest group under the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS), aiming to bring together experts and key players to provide vision, direction and guidance in the development and implementation of storage and mobility projects in and outside Singapore.
The Energy Storage and Mobility Working Group committee is co-chaired by Peter Ng and Kelvin Lim.
SEAS Clean Energy Committee has been active since 2007 to provide a forum for companies & individuals to discuss issues around clean energy policies, technologies and finance that impact the industry.
Like many countries in Southeast Asia, the abundant sunlight in Singapore, coupled with lower equipment costs, makes solar power a viable, alternative source of electricity for many businesses. The SEAS White Paper showed that solar power is now at grid parity, so it is competitive with traditional sources of energy and will be the leading renewable option for Singapore. Besides solar other options for Singapore will be biomass, biogas and marine renewables.
The Clean Energy Committee is chaired by Christophe Inglin and vice-chaired by Frank Phuan.