Event Details
The Electric Mobility Working Group is a focused interest group under the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS), aiming to bring together experts and key players to provide vision, direction and guidance in the development of electric Mobility both in Singapore and the region. This is in line with Singapore's Net Zero ambitions by 2050. SEAS also launched a white paper "Levelling the playing field for Electric Mobility in Singapore" in 2016.
SEAS set up Energy Storage Working Group in April 2021 to form an ecosystem for all energy storage companies and to have a common platform to share and grow the sector together. ESS is an integral part of RE projects within the region. ESS involves solar, wind technologies, investors, digitalisation, financing and carbon which is generated from these projects. This Working Group encourages training, promotion of standards and providing vision and guidance of ESS projects in the region within the regulation and guidelines of electricity market in Singapore.