Kavita Gandhi Executive Director of Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore
Kavita Gandhi Executive Director of Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore Kavita has more than 15 years’ experience in the environment and development sector. Kavita has been involved in multi-dimensional projects like the United States Asia Environmental Partnership (US_AEP) and was instrumental in setting up the Clean Technology Environmental Management Centre (CTEM) in the Singapore Manufacturers’ Association. She worked with startups and SMEs as a manager of the Singapore Association for Environmental Companies (SAFECO). Kavita has an MSc in Environmental Management from Wye College, University of London.
Michael Lochinvar Simabundo CEO of Oceanpixel Pte Ltd
Michael Lochinvar Simabundo CEO of Oceanpixel Pte Ltd Dr. Michael Abundo is the Managing Director of OceanPixel – based in Singapore with presence in South East Asia (e.g. Philippines) and activities in global locations. With over 15 years as a sustainability and energy professional, he is also a green techno-preneur who specializes in ocean/marine renewable energy sector. Michael is actively helping increase the uptake of marine renewable energy in South East Asia and he has been involved in pilot projects in the region for both wave and tidal energy ‘localized’ for tropical conditions. Michael hopes to contribute to the development of the ocean renewable energy sector from R&D, networking, and commercialization.
Alex Ng Director of Orcades Marine Asia Pte Ltd
Alex Ng Director of Orcades Marine Asia Pte Ltd Alex is a Director of Orcades Marine’s Asia, which is located in Singapore. He is working on bringing Marine Project Management and Consultancy Services for Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) Projects to the South-East Asia, where the growth of the sector is gaining traction. In addition to providing technical and engineering consultancy expertise, the position also requires overseeing of business development, as well as business administration and operations matters. Alex is experienced in overseeing a spectrum of marine renewable energy projects activities, ranging from desktop studies, engineering design, building, permits and approvals, to the marine operations. He specialises in the tidal and wave energy technologies, having designed and developed a wave energy device. His technical consultancy experience included providing engineering advisory for Third Party Verification (TPV) work for wave energy devices, reviewing engineering design for open sea test rigs, technical support in incident investigation, as well as on site operation advisory. The extensive time spent on various projects in both Asia and Europe also allowed him to gain understanding of working in the different environments.
Dr. Mary Ann Franco Research Fellow at National University Of Singapore, Energy Studies Institute
Dr. Mary Ann Franco Research Fellow at National University Of Singapore, Energy Studies Institute Dr Mary Ann Quirapas-Franco is Research Fellow at the Energy Studies Institute. Her academic research includes energy security, renewable energy technology development in Southeast Asia, and science, technology and society (STS) studies. Her current research focused on how energy-poor communities in developing countries adopt clean energy technologies to achieve sustainable development. She also studies the policy implications of marine renewable energy technologies in Southeast Asia. She previously worked at the Energy Research Institute at Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) as the Lead Coordinator of two major programmes: Southeast Asian Collaboration for Ocean Renewable Energy and the Joint PhD-Industry Programme. She has also been involved in different research projects funded by international universities and government agencies across Southeast Asia. Her findings have been published in top-ranked academic journals. She completed her MSc in Asian Studies from the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU and her PhD in Political Science from the National University of Singapore.