Event Details

Steam and compressed air systems within industrial plants/facilities use up a significant amount of energy.

Effective facility maintenance should include the efficient use of energy where energy wastage and energy consumption are significantly reduced.

Learners attending the course will learn about the functions of the various components in steam and compressed air systems, heat and mass transfer analysis, the potential for heat recovery, the influence of different variables on energy optimisation, as well as energy-efficient designs.

Steam And Compressed Air Systems is one of five electives in the Singapore Certified Energy Manager Programme.

Participants will also be required to complete self-directed e-learning.


After the Course, learners will be able to:

  • Explain the functions and components of the steam and compressed air systems (LO1)
  • Deduce optimisation opportunities when operating the systems (LO2)
  • Recommend ways to improve the energy performance of compressed air systems (LO3)


Participants will be issued a Statement of Attainment by SSG after fulfilling all attendance, assignment and assessment requirements

(SSG Training Grant Approved Course, available for Singaporeans and PRs)

* Terms & conditions apply

* View here โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹for more details on the funding schemes


SCEM Module


*includes GST

Standard Price S$972
Company Sponsored: WSQ Enhanced Training Support for SMEs

SMEs that meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

Registered or incorporated in Singapore
At least 30% local shareholding by Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents
Employment size of not more than 200 (at group level) or with annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million

SME-sponsored Trainees:
-Must be Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents.
-Courses have to be fully paid for by the employer.
-Trainee is not a full-time national serviceman.

Further Info:
This scheme is intended for all organisations, including non-business entities not registered with ACRA e.g. VWOs, societies, etc. Only Ministries, statutory boards, and other government agencies are not eligible under Enhanced Training Support for SMEs Scheme. Sole proprietorships which meet all of the above criteria are also eligible.

Standard Price S$342
Company-Sponsored: Non SME Companies

Non SME Companies

Standard Price S$522
Self-Sponsored: WSQ Funding

- For Singaporeans age between 21 to 39 years
- For All Permanent Resident of Singapore

Standard Price S$522
Self-Sponsored: WSQ Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy

The SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy is for Singaporeans aged 40 years old and above

Standard Price S$342


Singapore Sustainability Academy

180 Kitchener Road
Singapore 208539


If you have any questions please contact SEAS Training

Contact Organizer

+65 63388578

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