Thursday, August 13, 2020 (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM) GMT+8
Director of Singapore Agro-Food Enterprises Federation Limited
Mr Chew Chee Bin was the former Executive Chairman of Chew’s Group Limited. He served as civil or project manager in the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and other companies including Bachy Soletanche Singapore Pte Ltd and Asia-Link Construction Pte Ltd. Chee Bin has 25 years of experience in major infrastructure and property construction, as well as civil engineering and building work in Singapore and abroad.
Managing Director of Energetix Pte Ltd
Mr Christophe Inglin has over 18 years of experience in the field of photovoltaics. He is currently the Managing Director of Energetix Pte Ltd. He is also on the council of SEAS as vice-chairman.
Christophe was Managing Director of Phoenix Solar Pte Ltd, one of Singapore’s best respected solar systems integrators. Prior to that, he spent 10 years with Shell Solar Pte Ltd (formerly Siemens Showa Solar), a leading manufacturer of PV cells and
modules. He is an invited trainer for the GreenMark Manager Programme held by the BCA Academy.
Christophe holds a BSc in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey in England, and an MBA from INSEAD in France.
V-President at G-Energy Global Pte Ltd
Mr Vincent Low is the Vice President (Business Development) for G-Energy Global Pte Ltd. (Singapore). He is also a Key Qualified Personnel (KQP) accredited by Energy Sustainability Unit (ESU) - National University of Singapore (NUS) and Certified Green Mark Manager Professional (Cert. GMP) accredited by Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore.
Managing Director of Oceanpixel
Michael has over 15 years of experience in various roles in the Sustainability, Energy, Innovation, Research, Development, & Demonstration (RD&D) Ecosystems of the Asia Pacific Region working with academe, industry, and government which involve Portfolio, Programme, and Project Management (Technical and Operational), Product Development, Engineering, Start-ups, Venture Capital, Management Consulting, Corporate Strategy, Technology and Venture Incubation, as well as Design-based Innovation.
Project Manager at Megawatts Engineering Services Pte Ltd
Mr. LEONG Hoo Yau heads the Sustainable Energy business unit of MEGAWATTS which is an expansion of the company expertise in Electrical MRO for marine, offshore, oil & gas and other industries.
Mr. Leong has the experiences of solar photovoltaic from upstream to downstream since 2010. In year 2014, Mr. Leong was involved to introduce and start the first clean energy retailer in Singapore based on real time energy trading.
Mr. Leong holds Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from the University of Nebraska Lincoln in the United States of America.
Engineer at National Environment Agency
Ms Chang Xiu Juan is an Engineer in NEA responsible for SME engagement and evaluating grants for energy efficient projects in the manufacturing sector. She has 5 years of working experience as process engineer in the chemical manufacturing industry prior joining NEA.
Senior Manager at National Environment Agency
Mr Leow Beng Kwang promotes energy efficiency in the industrial sector, through administration of grants and Energy Efficiency National Partnership programme. He and his team are also tasked with the administration of the ESCO Accreditation Scheme and capability building programme as part of the development of an industrial energy efficiency ecosystem.
Executive Director of Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS)